영어 단어 + 문장 + 표현/E, F, G

G5. give the green light to / give (sth) a go / get-go

오뚝이충 2023. 12. 24. 09:18

1. give the green light to

: to give permission for sb to do sth or for sth to happen

ex) The council has given the green light to the new shopping centre.
ex) The government has decided to give the green light to the plan.
ex) I was given the green light to carry out this project.
ex) Our international consignment was delayed at the border until the customs department gave the green light after ensuring compliance with all regulations.

ex) After thorough inspection, the customs officials gave the green light to our shipment, allowing it to be released from the port.



2. give (sth) a go
: to try sth, especially sth with which one has little or no experience.
: to attempt something
: "Give something a go" is an idiomatic expression meaning to try or attempt something, often for the first time or without being sure of the outcome. It implies a willingness to experiment or take a chance on something new or unfamiliar. The phrase suggests a casual or informal approach to trying something, rather than a deep commitment or extensive preparation. It's often used to encourage someone to try something that they might be hesitant about, suggesting a low-risk, 'see what happens' attitude.

ex) I doubt if he’ll listen to advice from me, but I’ll give it a go.
ex) If I got the opportunity I'd certainly give it a go.
ex) We've got nothing to lose so let's give it a go.
ex) I need to get more exercise, so I'm going to give cyclling to work a go.
ex) I will give your app a go this time around and see how my viewers could make use of it.

ex) Our sales have been stagnant lately, so let's give this new marketing strategy a go and see if it boosts our numbers.

ex) I know we haven't tried this approach before, but let's give it a go and learn from the experience.
ex) We haven't found a solution yet, but Susan has a new idea. Let's give it a go and see if it works.



3. get-go (from the get-go)

: the beginning, when someone starts to do something, or a process starts:
: from the very beginning
: The term "get-go" refers to the very beginning or start of something. It's an informal way of saying "from the outset" or "from the start." 


ex) The latest research shows that babies can be taught the difference between night and day from the get-go.
ex) She didn't like me from the get-go. 

ex) They were involved in the project from the get-go.

ex) In designing this product, user-friendliness was our main concern right from the get-go.
ex) Effective communication within the team has been encouraged from the get-go to foster a collaborative work environment.

ex) It's vital that we establish our budget constraints from the get-go to manage our resources effectively.
ex) Our focus on customer satisfaction has been a priority from the get-go, which has been key to our success.