International Trade & Customs + etc.

P3. "Pick up" w/ various meanings 본문

영어 단어 + 문장 + 표현/N, O, P

P3. "Pick up" w/ various meanings

오뚝이충 2023. 9. 16. 15:10

#1. resume something (중단된 상황으로 돌아가 계속하다)
"pick up" can indeed imply resuming something, especially in the context of returning to a previous activity or starting  from where one left off.

ex) Let's pick up where we left off yesterday.
ex) He picks up this theme again in later chapters of the book.
ex) Let's pick this up tomorrow.

Manager: "Hey Sarah, I remember you were working on the marketing analysis report before you went on vacation. Are you planning to pick it up again?"
Sarah: "Yes, I'll pick up where I left off and aim to have it completed by Friday."
Manager: "Sounds good. Let's meet then to review it."



#2. to buy or get (something) (사다 (=get) (buy  보다 덜 부담 줌))

 "pick up" can also mean to get or buy something.


ex) Have you picked up a copy of her new CD yet?
ex) She stopped to pick up a few groceries at the supermarket. 
ex) I picked up the coffee while I was out.

Alex: "Hey Jamie, we're running low on office supplies. Could you pick up some more during your lunch break?"
Jamie: "Sure, I'll pick up some pens, notebooks, and printer paper from the store downtown."
Alex: "Thanks! While you're at it, maybe pick up some coffee for the break room too. We're almost out."
Jamie: "Will do!"

#3. to become better, to improve

"pick up" can be used to indicate an improvement or a recovery, especially in terms of business, health, or any situation that might have been in a downturn or stagnation.


ex) Our sales are picking up, and that's a very good sign. 

ex) We're gonna have to pick up the pace here. 

ex) We have a tight deadline for this project. Let's pick up the pace, team!

ex) If we want to finish on time, we are going to have to pick up the pace. 

ex) Sales have picked up 14% this year.
Nina: "How have sales been this quarter?"
Evan: "They were slow at the beginning, but they've started to pick up in the last month."
Nina: "That's good to hear! Hopefully, the momentum continues."
Evan: "I'm optimistic, especially with the new marketing campaign rolling out. It should help things pick up even more."