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- narrow down
- put behind
- nail down
- wing it
- 영어 팝송 공부
- FTA 원산지 결정기준
- procrastinate
- expressions for advice
- put a lot of work into
- put together
- course of action
- 제9702호
- 미국식 영작문 수업
- The 48 Laws of Power
- negligible
- how do you like
- 통관 영어
- 품목별 원산지 기준
- comprehensive
- 팝송 영어 공부
- willing
- apparently
- 수입요건
- 수입신고 영어
- Anxiety is the Dizziness of Freedom
- put forward
- Robert Greene
- account for
- get the hang of it
- 최정숙 저
- Today
- Total
International Trade & Customs + etc.
T4. There is nothing like sth / Tap (Tap into) / Thrive 본문
T4. There is nothing like sth / Tap (Tap into) / Thrive
오뚝이충 2024. 2. 4. 08:53#1 . There is nothing like sth
: to emphasize the uniqueness or superiority of an experience, thing, or activity
: 모든 것 중에 최고라고 강조하기
ex) There's nothing like a nice meal with friends to turn a bad week around.
ex) There's nothing like binging a show on Netflix all weekend.
ex) There is nothing like a turkey dinner and spiced wine for Christmas.
ex) A: There is nothing like a cold beer after a long day of work. How about we go grab one when we get off?
B: Sure! As long as you're buying.
ex) A: Sorry if I seem a little depressed. My boyfriend and I decided to take a little break. I really miss him.
B: Aww, I'm sorry. Come on, let's go shopping. I know you. There's nothing like buying clothes to cheer you up.
ex) Even if you have a professional masseur come to your house three times a week, you'll have to admit there's nothing like a massage from one of our chairs.
ex) There is nothing like the satisfaction of completing a difficult task.
Implies that the feeling of achievement one gets after completing a challenging task is unique and highly rewarding.
ex) There is nothing like a long walk to clear your mind.
Implies that taking a long walk is an exceptional way to relax and get rid of stress or cluttered thoughts.
ex) There is nothing like the laughter of children to lift your spirits.
Suggests that the sound of children laughing is uniquely effective in improving one's mood.
ex) There is nothing like reading a good book on a rainy day.
Implies that the experience of reading a good book when it's raining outside is especially enjoyable and hard to match with other activities.
cf) 영어에서는 비교급으로 최상급의 의미를 전달하는 경우가 많다.
~ is / are the best , I like ~ the most 이런건 유치하기도 하고, 전달도 잘 안됨!
ex) You can't find any better bread in Seoul.
ex) I can't imagine a better day for surfing.
ex) Business has never been any worse.
ex) No one knows this better than Sarah.
ex) They sold more vehicles last quarter than they ever have.
ex) No other platform in Korea seems more successful than KakaoTalk.
2. tap ( tap into )
: The word "tap" in the context of use or utilize means to draw upon or make use of a resource, skill, or source of information. It implies accessing and exploiting something for a specific purpose or benefit.
: if you tap a resource or situation, you make use of it by getting from it sth that you need or want.
ex) He owes his election to having tapped deep public disillusion with professional politicians.
ex) We need to tap our internal talent pool for innovative solutions to the challenges we face.
ex) By tapping into renewable energy sources, we can reduce our operational costs and environmental impact.
ex) Our strategy involves tapping new technologies to stay ahead of the competition.
ex) To improve efficiency, we're tapping into data analytics to better understand customer behaviors and preferences.
ex) We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have.
ex) People are tapping into the power supply illegally.
ex) You don't need any of those things to truly tap into your potential and drive success in your life.
ex) There's going to be a need for multiple projects to fully tap into the renewable energy resources of this region.
ex) Efforts to tap into recyclable energy resources like solar heat are spreading across the world.
ex) Plants are the basis of the food chain. Their ability to use and store energy from the sun gives herbivores (and thus carnivores) a way to tap that power as well.
3. Thrive
: if sb or sth thrives, they do well and are successful, healthy, or strong.
: The word "thrive" means to grow, develop, or be successful, especially in a vigorous way. It refers to flourishing, prospering, or doing well, often in a particular environment or under specific circumstances. Thriving can apply to living organisms, businesses, economies, and individuals, indicating a state of health, success, and positive progress.
ex) Few creatures can thrive on these barren mountaintops.
ex) These animals rarely thrive in captivity.
ex) While many of our competitors are failing, we continue to thrive.
ex) New businesses thrive in this area.
ex) Despite economic downturns, our startup has managed to thrive by adapting quickly to market changes.
ex) By focusing on customer satisfaction, the company has thrived in a highly competitive industry.
ex) Investing in innovative technologies has allowed our business to thrive and expand into new markets.
ex) The firm thrived under the new management, achieving record profits and growth.
ex) Through strategic partnerships, we've thrived by tapping into previously untapped customer segments.
'영어 단어 + 문장 + 표현 > T, U, V' 카테고리의 다른 글
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