International Trade & Customs + etc.

U2. Unlike / / 본문

영어 단어 + 문장 + 표현/T, U, V

U2. Unlike / /

오뚝이충 2024. 12. 18. 02:07

#1. Unlike
: different from (something or someone)

(비교나 대조 상황에서 '~와는 달리'라는 의미로 사용하면 좋다.)


ex) Unlike other vacuum cleaners, the V4 can charge in a matter of minutes.

ex) James gives me useful feedback, unlike my previous teachers. 

ex) Having worked with Americans for a couple of years, I think they're quite diligent, unlike Europeans. 
ex) The plants that grow here are unlike the plants that grow where I live. 

ex) This is unlike anything you have ever seen before.

ex) Trump is unlike any other president we've had.