일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
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30 | 31 |
- course of action
- put behind
- narrow down
- Anxiety is the Dizziness of Freedom
- 최정숙 저
- FTA 원산지 결정기준
- comprehensive
- apparently
- nail down
- expressions for advice
- The 48 Laws of Power
- 통관 영어
- 영어 팝송 공부
- negligible
- wing it
- 미국식 영작문 수업
- put a lot of work into
- account for
- 제9702호
- Robert Greene
- 팝송 영어 공부
- procrastinate
- willing
- get the hang of it
- put forward
- 품목별 원산지 기준
- 수입신고 영어
- put together
- how do you like
- 수입요건
- Today
- Total
International Trade & Customs + etc.
P4. prerequisite / precipitate / pale in comparison with , to 본문
P4. prerequisite / precipitate / pale in comparison with , to
오뚝이충 2024. 1. 21. 22:031. prerequisite
: If one thing is a prerequisite for another, it must happen or exist before the other thing is possible.
: The term "prerequisite" refers to something that is required as a prior condition for something else to happen or exist.
: (필수전제조건, ~ 없이는 ... 할 수 없다.)
ex) Good self-esteem is a prerequisite for a happy life.
ex) Publishing a book or two seems to be a prerequisite to running for public office these days.
ex) Mutual trust is a prerequisite for the long-term success of a corporate partnership.
ex) Health is a prerequisite for increases in productivity, and successful education relies on adequate health as well.
ex) Meeting international safety and quality standards is a prerequisite for exporting electronic goods to the European Union.
ex) Obtaining certain industry-specific certifications can be a prerequisite for engaging in trade in specialized sectors like pharmaceuticals or agriculture.
ex) Correct tariff classification of products is a prerequisite for calculating accurate duties and taxes in international trade.
2. precipitate
: If something precipitates an event or situation, usually a bad one, it causes it to happen suddenly or sooner than normal.
ex) A slight mistake could precipitate a disaster.
ex) An invasion would certainly precipitate a political crisis.
ex) This mass extinction also precipitates the release of toxic levels of mercury previously kept inert in rocks into the water, bringing about lethal result to many fish species.
3. pale in comparison with (to)
: to seem less important, good, serious, etc., when compared with (something else)
: (idiomatic) to appear unimportant in relation to something else.
: (A는 B에 비할 수 없다)
ex) Washington and its allies face many potential geopolitical catastrophes over the next decade, but nearly all pale in comparison to what would ensue if China annexed or invaded Taiwan.
ex) Diablo may have been a success, but it pales in comparison to Starcraft.
ex) Today's economic problems pale in comparison with those of the 1930s.
ex) When someone you love has a life-threatening illness, everything else pales in comparison.
ex) Last year's riots pale in comparison with this latest outburst of violence.
ex) I thought I was badly treated but my experiences pale in comparison with yours.
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P3. "Pick up" w/ various meanings (0) | 2023.09.16 |
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