International Trade & Customs + etc.

FTA 규정을 통한 무역 영어 공부 - 1편 / RCEP CH 3 (Rules of Origin) 본문

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FTA 규정을 통한 무역 영어 공부 - 1편 / RCEP CH 3 (Rules of Origin)

오뚝이충 2024. 4. 28. 00:02

- CIF value means the value of the imported good, inclusive of the cost of insurance and freight up to the port or place of entry into the country of importation;


"보험비용 및 운임을 포함한 수입된 상품의 가격"
= the value of the imported good, inclusive of the cost of insurance and freight 


"수입국으로 들어오는 항구 또는 반입지까지의"

= up to the port or place of entry into the country of importation


- FOB value means the value of the good free on board, inclusive of the cost of transport (regardless of the mode of transport) to the port or site of final shipment abroad;


- fungible goods or materials means goods or materials that are interchangeable for commercial purposes, whose properties are essentially identical;


" 상업적 목적으로 호환 가능하고 그 특성이 본질적으로 동일한"

= interchangeable for commercial purposes, whose properties are essentially identical


- non-originating good or non-originating material means a good or material which does not qualify as originating in accordance with this Chapter;


"비원산지 상품 또는 비원산지 재료"

= non-originating good or non-originating material

"A 에 따른 원산지 자격을 갖추지 않은"

= does not qualify as originating in accordance with A

- originating good or originating material means a good or material which qualifies as originating in accordance with this Chapter;


"원산지 상품 또는 원산지 재료"

= originating good or originating material 


"A에 따른 원산지 자격을 갖춘"

qualifies as originating in accordance with A



Article 3.2: Originating Goods
For the purposes of this Agreement, a good shall be treated as an originating good if it is:
(a) wholly obtained or produced in a Party as provided in Article 3.3 (Goods Wholly Obtained or Produced);
(b) produced in a Party exclusively from originating materials from one or more of the Parties; or
(c) produced in a Party using non-originating materials, provided the good satisfies the applicable requirements set
out in Annex 3A (Product-Specific Rules),


and meets all other applicable requirements of this Chapter.


 "다음의 경우 원산지 상품으로 취급된다"

= a good shall be treated as an originating good if it is:


"완전하게 획득되거나 생산된 상품"

= Goods Wholly Obtained or Produced


"원산지 재료로만 당사국에서 생산된 경우"

= produced in a Party exclusively from originating materials


" ~에 규정된 적용 가능한 요건을 충족해야만"

= provided the good satisfies the applicable requirements set out in A



Article 3.4: Cumulation
1. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, goods and materials which comply with the origin requirements provided in Article 3.2 (Originating Goods), and which are used in another Party as materials in the production of another good or material, shall be considered as originating in the Party where working or processing of the finished good or material has taken place. 


 이 협정에 달리 규정되지 않는 한, 제3.2조(원산지 상품)에 규정된 원산지 요건을 준수하고 다른 당사자에서 다른 상품 또는 재료의 생산에 재료로 사용되는 상품 및 재료는 그 최종 상품 또는 재료의 작업 또는 가공이 발생한 당사자를 원산지로 여긴다.