International Trade & Customs + etc.

C1. come to mind / come along / come up with 본문

영어 단어 + 문장 + 표현/C, D

C1. come to mind / come along / come up with

오뚝이충 2023. 5. 6. 09:44

1. come to mind

: if sth comes to mind, you suddenly remember or think of it


ex) When discussing influential modern artists, three names immediately comes to mind.

ex) A: Have you any suggestions?

     B: Nothing comes to mind, I'm afraid.

ex) A: What happened?

     B: Two culprits come to mind.

ex) Just say whatever comes to mind — it doesn't matter. 


2. come along

: to make progress; to get better or to proceed in a desired way ; to proceed in a specified way

: if something is coming along, it is developing or making progress.


ex) The investigation is coming along slowly, and there's still a lot more work to be done.

ex) The project started slowly, but now the work is coming along.


3. come up with

: to think of an idea, an answer to a question or a solution to a problem

: if you come up with a plan or idea, you think of it and suggest it.


ex) He came up with an interesting new method of improving the factory's efficiency.

ex) We gotta come up with something fast.

ex) She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.