International Trade & Customs + etc.

W1. when it comes to / What's your take (on it)? / with all due respect 본문

영어 단어 + 문장 + 표현/W, X, Y, Z

W1. when it comes to / What's your take (on it)? / with all due respect

오뚝이충 2023. 5. 6. 14:15

1. when it comes to 

: used to identify the specific topic that is being talked about

: when considering some particular person, thing, or action.


ex) There's nothing she doesn't know when it comes to computers.

ex) The United States has the worst record in the democratic world when it coems to stripping convicted felons of the right to vote.

ex)  When it comes to cooking, he's better than I am! 


2. What's your take (on it)?

: someone's attitude or opinion about a situation


ex) Dwight, what's your take?

ex) What's your take on that?

ex) What's your take on the kiosk initiative?


3. with all due respect

: used as a polite or formal way of saying that you disagree with someone


ex) With all due respect, I must disagree with your conclusions.

ex) With all due respect, this is crazy.

ex) With all due respect, I have to say I don't think your plan will work.

ex) With all due respect, the figures simply do not support you on this.