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궁금했던 표현들 #25. 임시방편으로! 본문

** 본격 영어 공부 **/궁금했던 표현들!

궁금했던 표현들 #25. 임시방편으로!

오뚝이충 2023. 11. 5. 09:10

The term "stop-gap measure" or "stop-gap solution" is often used to describe a temporary action taken to address an issue until a more permanent solution is found. 


A stopgap is something that serves a purpose for a short time, but is replaced as soon as possible.

ex) "We're using sandbags as a stop-gap measure to prevent flooding until the new dam is built."

ex) The arrangement was only intended as a stopgap.
ex) Even if the bill were approved, it would be no more than a stopgap measure.



Alternatives could include:
1) Interim Solution:
"The company adopted an interim solution to manage workload while the new software is being developed."
2) Temporary Fix
"We implemented a temporary fix for the software bug, but we're still working on a permanent solution."
3) Provisional Plan
"As a provisional plan, we're using generators to power the building until the electrical issues are resolved."
4) Band-Aid Solution:
"Raising the minimum wage is just a Band-Aid solution; we need to address the root causes of income inequality."