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- 통관 영어
- wing it
- course of action
- apparently
- FTA 원산지 결정기준
- comprehensive
- nail down
- get the hang of it
- 최정숙 저
- expressions for advice
- how do you like
- 제9702호
- put forward
- willing
- 수입요건
- Anxiety is the Dizziness of Freedom
- narrow down
- put behind
- The 48 Laws of Power
- 팝송 영어 공부
- Robert Greene
- put together
- account for
- 영어 팝송 공부
- 미국식 영작문 수업
- negligible
- put a lot of work into
- 품목별 원산지 기준
- 수입신고 영어
- procrastinate
- Today
- Total
International Trade & Customs + etc.
"수입요건" 관련 표현 본문
<수입요건 검토>
- Evaluating import requirements is inseparable from understanding the specific properties of the product; the two aspects are intertwined in determining the correct compliance procedures for importation.
- Assessing import requirements is intrinsically linked to the properties of the product itself.
제226조(허가ㆍ승인 등의 증명 및 확인)
① 수출입을 할 때 법령에서 정하는 바에 따라 허가ㆍ승인ㆍ표시 또는 그 밖의 조건을 갖출 필요가 있는 물품은 세관장에게 그 허가ㆍ승인ㆍ표시 또는 그 밖의 조건을 갖춘 것임을 증명하여야 한다.
② 통관을 할 때 제1항의 구비조건에 대한 세관장의 확인이 필요한 수출입물품에 대하여는 다른 법령에도 불구하고 그 물품과 확인방법, 확인절차, 그 밖에 필요한 사항을 대통령령으로 정하는 바에 따라 미리 공고하여야 한다.
③ 제1항에 따른 증명에 관하여는 제245조제2항을 준용한다.
Article 226 (Certification and Verification of Permission and Approval)
(1) Goods that need to satisfy the requirements prescribed by statutes, such as permission, approval, and labels, at the time of exportation or importation, shall be verified by the head of a customs office that they have satisfied such conditions.
(2) With respect to imported and exported goods that need to be verified by the head of a customs office that they have satisfied the requirements referred to in paragraph (1) at the time of customs clearance, methods and procedures for such verification and other necessary matters shall be published in advance, as prescribed by Presidential Decree, notwithstanding other statutes.
(3) Article 245 (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis to the verification referred to in paragraph (1).
<Import requirements - Chat GPT>
In accordance with the Customs Act in Korea, any goods being imported or exported that are subject to statutory requirements must first satisfy these regulations. Such statutory requirements may include the acquisition of specific permissions or approvals, or compliance with particular labeling standards. These goods must then be inspected and approved by the head of the relevant customs office to confirm that all requirements have indeed been met. As such, it is crucial that any such goods are prepared in accordance with the necessary legal provisions before they arrive at customs for clearance. Any failure to comply with these conditions may result in delays, fines, or other legal implications.
In the United States, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) enforces similar regulations. For example, certain goods are restricted and may require specific licenses or permits from the relevant U.S. government agency (e.g., USDA, FDA, EPA, ATF, etc.) in order to be legally imported into the country. CBP inspectors ensure that these goods comply with all applicable U.S. laws and regulations at the time of import.
In the European Union, similar procedures exist. The Union Customs Code (UCC) outlines that goods being imported into the EU may need to satisfy certain criteria before being allowed entry. These can include compliance with health and safety regulations, obtaining the necessary licenses or permits, or satisfying labeling requirements. These goods are subject to inspection by customs authorities to ensure all EU regulations have been followed.
It's important to note that specific regulations and processes can vary by country and by type of goods being imported or exported. Therefore, it's always advisable to consult with a legal or trade expert or the relevant government agency when preparing to import or export goods.
< Safety testing / Registration Number >
When a manufacturer introduces a new product to the market, it is imperative to undergo rigorous safety testing to ensure its appropriateness for public use. These tests are carried out under stringent protocols set by designated government agencies responsible for public safety.
Upon successful completion of these safety tests, the government agency issues a safety certification. Each of these certificates bears a unique registration number assigned by the government, which serves as a definitive proof of the product's safety standards.
Additionally, manufacturers have the option to further customize this process. They can apply to have their product's model number integrated into this unique registration number. For instance, if a product's model number is 'ASDFG', manufacturers can request for this specific model number to be reflected in the assigned registration number. This allows for easier identification and tracking, while also enhancing brand visibility and integrity.
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