일 | 월 | 화 | 수 | 목 | 금 | 토 |
1 | ||||||
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
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16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
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30 | 31 |
- apparently
- put together
- Anxiety is the Dizziness of Freedom
- 품목별 원산지 기준
- 수입요건
- negligible
- 미국식 영작문 수업
- narrow down
- get the hang of it
- course of action
- wing it
- Robert Greene
- 영어 팝송 공부
- The 48 Laws of Power
- 팝송 영어 공부
- put a lot of work into
- 수입신고 영어
- account for
- 제9702호
- FTA 원산지 결정기준
- expressions for advice
- put forward
- comprehensive
- willing
- procrastinate
- 통관 영어
- 최정숙 저
- how do you like
- put behind
- nail down
- Today
- Total
International Trade & Customs + etc.
마무리 지을 때 쓰는 표현 - 요컨대, 요약하자면 등 본문
1. To put it simply / Simply put
: to say sth in clearer, more direct, or more easily understandable terms.
: "to put it simply" or "simply put" are used when you want to summarize complex ideas in a more straightforward or less complicated manner.
ex) To put it simply, he was fired.
ex) Simply put, the movie was horrible.
ex) Quantum physics is a complex subject, but to put it simply, it's the study of the smallest particles in the universe.
ex) Artificial Intelligence has a variety of applications, but simply put, it's about creating machines that can think like humans.
2. To sum up
: to give the main information in a report, speech, etc. in a short statement at the end.
ex) To sum up, for a healthy heart you must take regular exercise and stop smoking.
ex) To sum up, we need to take better care of the poor in our city.
ex) I would like to take a moment to sum up the facts that I presented earlier.
ex) To sum up, implementing this new software will streamline our operations and increase overall productivity.
ex) So to sum up, our sales numbers have increased over the past quarter, but we need to focus more on customer retention. Any questions?
3. All in all
: It is generally used to convey the idea that you have considered all aspects of a situation, and are now drawing a conclusion or expressing an overall opinion.
: in a general way; when everything is thought of or considered
ex) All in all [=in general, generally, for the most part], I like the way things have gone.
ex) All in all the conference was a great success, despite the problems at the beginning.
ex) All in all, these changes will result in an improved customer experience, streamlined operations, and ultimately, a more profitable business.
ex) All in all, based on the research findings, we recommend implementing these three strategies to improve employee engagement.
ex) All in all, our team performed exceptionally well in the last quarter, hitting most of our targets and exceeding expectations in several key areas.
4. In a nutshell / (put sth) in a nutshell
: very briefly
: used to introduce a concise summary
: The phrase "in a nutshell" is an idiom used in English to indicate that what you're about to say is a concise, succinct summary of the situation or concept, similar to how a nut is small and compact within its shell.
ex) To put it in a nutshell, we are bankrupt.
ex) He had a lot to say, but his answer, in a nutshell, was no.
ex) So, in a nutshell, we propose a three-stage plan for increasing our market share.
ex) In a nutshell, our company's sales have improved significantly this quarter, but there's still work to be done in customer retention.
5. In short
: You use "in short" when you have been giving a lot of details and you want to give a conclusion or summary.
ex) In short, the combination of a balanced diet and regular exercise has proven most effective in maintaining good health.
ex) The trip was, in short, a disaster.
6. Overall
: It is used to give a summary that considers all aspects of a situation, allowing the speaker or writer to draw a general conclusion.
ex) Overall, the project was successful.
ex) So, overall, our team's performance has been satisfactory, though there's always room for improvement.
ex) Overall, the evidence suggests that implementing stricter environmental regulations does lead to significant improvements in air and water quality.
ex) Overall, the data shows that our new marketing strategy has increased web traffic and customer engagement.
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